happy girl listening music

Welcome to BYHOURS. You have come this far and we want you to know that we are very happy to see you and welcome you to our great community. We are the first international platform and app that offers hotel microstays in 24 countries around the world and in more than 3.000 hotels. Cool, isn’t it?

But what we like most is to meet you and for you to be able to live the experience of a microstay, wherever and whenever you want. That’s why, when you download our app you will get a 10% discount when you register, so that you can enjoy even more when you make your first reservation. You can book from our website or the app. Because the flexibility you are looking for, you will find it in the palm of your hand while you browse through the BYHOURS app. How cool!

And if that’s not enough, having you with us is more than just a joy. And we won’t stop celebrating with you. How? Very easy, subscribe to our newsletter and receive the best hotel and travel information, offers and activities that we offer from BYHOURS.  If so, nobody will be able to tell you that it is not nice to relax in a hotel paying only for the time you need. You choose between 3, 6 or 12 hours. Rest is assured.

What’s behind BYHOURS?

BYHOURS was born in 2012 to provide the flexibility and customization you were looking for when booking hotels. That’s why we launched the first platform that allows you to book hotel hours at an international level. Now you can choose the time of arrival, how long to stay and pay only for the time you need.

Behind all this is a young, innovative and international team with a strong desire to revolutionize the hotel industry. Our offices are located in Barcelona and in 2019 we are celebrating the opening of our office in Mexico, from where we manage and centralize operations and projects for Latin America and the United States.

We have more than 3.000 4* and 5* hotels, which provide comfort, safety and wellbeing to our clients. We provide the opportunity for the client to own their time and make the most of it. A few hours of rest before the flight, prepare a meeting without noise or discomfort, clean up before an event, enjoy with your partner… An endless number of moments that deserve special dedication.


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