Parents, recover those lost hours of rest

There is no secret that it is becoming increasingly difficult to enjoy undisturbed hours of rest. According to the World Health Organisation, over 40% of the population sleeps badly. And it is also not a mystery if we say that this affects both physically and psychologically our day-to-day life with disorders such as stress or anxiety.

Fathers, mothers, at BYHOURS we understand you and it is totally normal that you have felt identified with this 40% of people who do not sleep well. It has been estimated that during the first year of life of a newborn baby, their parents lose between 400 and 700 hours of sleep. These restless nights are a true merit and make you real heroes to admire

Being parents is one of the most beautiful things in the world, but in the first few months, undisturbed sleep becomes an utopia and finding quiet times and places to rest is a real challenge. With this panorama, the BYHOURS microstays become the perfect solution to recover the hours of rest with the quality of the best hotels in the city. Who has not ever thought of taking the hotel bed in the suitcase after a good night’s sleep? With BYHOURS microstays you will have access to all the services of the hotel and by this way complete your moment of relaxation, for example in the spa. All you will have to do is choose between the 3, 6 or 24h pack in more than 4,000 top hotels on the website and let yourself go. We all deserve a few hours of rest and disconnection, and if you have been parents this year, you know very well what we are talking about, don’t you?


This is why in BYHOURS we are raffling a microstay per month for a whole year, so parents can recover the lost hours of rest, without interruptions and in the best beds. The only requirement to participate is to have had a child during 2021. To prove it, the winner must present the birth certificate of his or her child.

With your participation you can win up to 24 hours of hotel per month and it is you who will choose the hotel where you will spend those hours. Besides, remember that the booking of a microstay in BYHOURS is always for two people. Do you already know who will be your companion to rest?

Tempting, isn’t it?

Participate here and find out all the details of the RAFFLE you most need now!

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