BYou: break the routine with your partner

September is starting, a new month full of challenges where many return to routine. Whether it is because of the change of weather that we are noticing or because of the excessive work that we may have, we are more immersed in the day to day, losing more leisure time and consequently more quality time with our partner. We must be alert in these cases, do different things that help us to break the routine and keep the flame alive as in the months of rest.

That’s why BYHOURS wanted to compile some ideas that could help you to break the routine with your partner and even surprise them when they least expect it. Write them down, they can be useful at any time!

It’s time not to fall into a routine and have a little something special for your special someone. Don’t you think it’s a great plan to discover new experiences with that person? Wherever it is, it will always be unique.

If you want to know more ideas and hotels for you and your partner, don’t miss all the posts in the ‘Romantic moments’ section of our blog, there are plenty of ideas for you!

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