Do a detox after Christmas events

We have been looking forward to the events of Christmas and New Year, and as these days come around we have not taken it easy to eat and celebrate. After all, who can resist the delicacies that have been on the table all these days, it is necessary to return to healthier habits. So, nothing better than a total detoxification to eliminate all the toxins and revitalize our body and mind.

With this in mind, at BYHOURS we have prepared some tips to help you start the year in the most peaceful and healthy way!

Drink more water

Let’s start with some easy advice that we can simply include in our daily lives without much effort. Increasing water consumption brings great benefits such as hydration and a better functioning of the body, especially for those who have increased their alcohol consumption. How about leaving the water bottle always nearby? Your skin and liver will thank you!


Drink the famous green juice

We have all heard of the famous green juice, loaded with cabbage, lemon, ginger and the like. This type of detox juice is a great option to eliminate toxins from the body, decrease fluid retention and achieve more physical and mental vitality.

Detoxification is nothing more than eating right! Including vegetables, plenty of water and green foods on the menu already makes a difference.

For those who don’t like some of these ingredients very much, they can investigate the variety of fruits and vegetables that make up a green juice, choose the options they like best and achieve the same results.


Now that, improving our eating habits and making our menu healthier, the cleansing and detoxification are already in action, we need something very important. Another good practice that will eliminate not only toxins, but also the “extra fat” obtained at parties, is the practice of sports.

And we are not talking about becoming a fitness or elite sportsman, but a good walk, cycling or climbing the stairs of your building contributes to physical well-being and is extremely healthy and recommended, especially after a few weeks where we have been more sedentary.

Less mobile and social networking

We are connected all the time to mobiles, computers and social networks, especially when we have events and family gatherings where we want to record every moment and share it with friends. But even for this excess of connection, a virtual detox is necessary, where it is extremely important to disconnect and reserve a few days or hours of quality for us. Experience “Offline” time and allow yourself to spend time with yourself, rest and relax away from the internet.


Have you ever taken a day off to relax after so many celebrations and events? Toxins are not only found in the air we breathe or in the food we eat, but also in the environment around us. Even to activate our creativity and have more productive days the mind needs space to rest.

So why not take a day to relax and unwind? At some point, at least, take the time to do nothing. A few hours in a hotel on a micro-stay basis is an excellent suggestion to use now to do this type of detox.

Detox in the soul

Basically, detoxification consists of eliminating the substances that are not useful, which also affects our energies and thoughts. A good reading, a coffee with friends, contact with nature, time with the person you love or good music already transform your mood. All these small actions can be considered an energetic detoxification. Working with positive feelings and thoughts detoxifies the mood and emotions, making them lighter and better prepared for life’s events and challenges.

Start the year with health, renewed energies and ready to face 365 days full of new opportunities. Life becomes easier and more fun when we are healthy.

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